TIELCO’s 38th Annual General Membership Assembly: A Resounding Success | July 16, 2024

Despite the unpredictable weather, TIELCO’s 38th Annual General Membership Assembly was a triumphant event, drawing an impressive attendance of 3,989 members from across the coverage area, including Tablas and San Jose Island. The unwavering commitment and enthusiasm of the members consumer owners were evident as they gathered, rain or shine, to participate in this significant assembly.

The event highlighted TIELCO’s achievements, discussed future initiatives, and reinforced the cooperative’s dedication to serving the community. The large turnout is a testament to the strong relationship between TIELCO and its member consumer owners, showcasing a unified community striving for continued progress and success.

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to making this assembly a milestone in TIELCO’s history. Your support and participation are invaluable as we move forward together.