LOOK: Results of the National Electrification Administration (NEA) 2022 Electric Cooperative Overall Performance Assessment and Size Classification | AUGUST 14, 2023

Results of the National Electrification Administration (NEA) 2022 Electric Cooperative Overall Performance Assessment and Size Classification showed that TIELCO is one out of the 121 ECs that was Rated Most Outstanding EC nationwide aside from maintaining its Triple AAA Category. In the awarding happened at the PICC during its 2023 Gloden Dagitab Awards and Recognition and the 44th PHILRECA Awards from the Wires, TIELCO was awarded with the following prestigious awards and recognitions. namely:


• TOP PERFORMING EC AWARD: for attaining “AAA” rating in Year 2022 overall performance assessment having complied with operational standards and parameters
• MOST OUTSTANDING EC AWARD: for its excellent performance having exceeded the 100% rating in Year 2022 overall operational assessment manifesting good governance and compliance to existing laws and regulations
• NEA AUDIT COMPLIANCE AWARD: for attaining NEA audit rating of 91.70% thereby demonstrating excellent implementation of good governance, effective internal control system on financial, institutional and technical operations and compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
• ECs WITH EXCEPTIONAL CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY PROGRAMS: for developing remarkable and innovative strategies in addressing the needs of the employees and empowerment of MCOs towards socio-economic development
• SINGLE DIGIT SYSTEM LOSS AWARD FOR 2022: for having attained a single digit system loss thereby contributing to the collective commitment of NEA and ECs to further improve service efficiency and reduce power rates
• BEST COLLECTION EFFECIENCY: for its rigorous efforts in ensuring the prompt payment and high collection efficiency promoting moral accountability among the member-consumer-owners.
• CONSISTENT GREEN EC AWARD: for its consistent compliance in the NEA-approved Key Performance Standard having classified as “green” EC in the four quarters of 2022
• ECs WITH FULLY LIQUIDATED SUBSIDY FUND: for timely submission of complete documentary requirements in the liquidation of government subsidy funds thereby ensuring compliance to good governance and sound fiscal management.
• ECs WITH ADVANCE LOAN AMORTIZATION PAYMENT: for its initiative to contribute in the advance amortization equivalent to at least one quarter remittance in the NEA Lending Program for Calendar Year 2022
• RE PROGRAM DISTINCTION: for its unwavering commitment and dedication in promoting the best interest of its member-consumer-owners in the implementation and success of the Rural Electrification Program
• MODEL MEMBER-EC AWARD: for fulfilling all its financial obligations and for setting all payments for webinars, trainings and other events and services of PHILRECA.
• PROMPT PAYOR AWARD: for committing itself to timely and efficient settlement of its annual dues as a member of EC of PHILRECA. Its determination to settle its financial obligations as a member EC has contributed to PHILRECA’s outstanding collection efficiency.
• ACE OF TARIFF AWARD: for being committed in providing the cheapest off-grid electricity rate to its MCOs in the pursuit of total electrification and sustainable rural development notwithstanding all difficulties confronting the rural electrification movement. With determination, perseverance, and diligence, the Electric Cooperative was able to surpass challenges and excellently attained their goals for the MCOs.
• GOLD STELLAR AWARD: for attaining a commendable collection efficiency despite constraints and restrictions. This achievement was reached with determination, perseverance, and diligence, and resulted to the financial stability and sustainability of the electric cooperative.
• MCO PRIME PARTICIPATION AWARD: for conducting the Annual General Membership Assembly. With perseverance and determination, the electric cooperative made possible to gather at least 10% attendance of total billed member-consumer-owners.
• GROUNDBREAKING AWARD: for further empowering the Member-Consumer-Owners through the construction of a multi-purpose building for conduct of programs, activities and community organizing.
• BRIGHT BEGINNING AWARD: for a meritious performance in the pursuit of total electrification and sustainable rural development during extraordinary times notwithstanding all difficulties confronting the rural electrification movement. With determination, perseverance, and diligence, the Electric Cooperative was able to surpass challenges and excellently attained their goals for the member-consumer-owners.
• LIMELIGHT AWARD: for being the front runner in the pursuit of total electrification and sustainable rural development notwithstanding all challenges confronting the rural electrification movement. With determination, perseverance, and diligence, the Electric Cooperative was able to attain a high level of energization status in its coverage areas.
• OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE AWARD: for attaining a single-digit off-grid systems loss in its operations while in pursuit of total electrification and sustainable rural development notwithstanding all difficulties confronting the rural electrification movement.
• STATE OF THE ART WORKPLACE AWARD: for maintaining a model workplace conducive for the optimal performance of its staff and personnel as the attain the goals of the rural electrification movement.
• OUTSTANDING RADIO PROGRAM EXCELLENCE AWARD: in recognition of the efforts to establish a radio program that exemplary commitment to community service, genuine and accurate news and information
• MCO CHAMPION AWARD: for having organized its member-consumer-owners in the barangay level and for empowering the MCOs of TIELCO to become advocates of the rural electrification movement
• OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH EXCELLENCE AWARD: for achieving operation and service without incurring occupational casualties and for observing and strictly implementing effective safety measures in its operations.