Sitio Electrification Program (SEP) in Sitio Agcalafe, Brgy. Tumingad Odiongan | March 2, 2022

“Rural electrification has always been on top of the Government’s policy over the past decades. Government strongly believes that provision of electric services will yield more opportunities for improved quality of life, greater access to basic services and better infrastructure for rural development. Rural electrification therefore, is greatly directed towards socio-economic growth of the marginalized sectors, the fisher folks and farmers living in remote, far-flung, and un-electrified barangays and sitios of the country.”

Implementing this government program are the non-stock, non profit electric cooperatives who over the years was responsible for doing the most difficult part of doing the construction works of the electric distribution network in the isolated rural areas in the countryside and managing the operations of the electric utility amidst the fact that these electric cooperatives are operating more often in unviable areas confronted with challenges like right of way problems, difficult terrains, regular system devastation by typhoons and other environmental hazards and many more. Inspite being confronted with these challenges, over the years the success of implementing the rural electrification by electric cooperatives could be clearly seen by the development in the countryside with almost every nook and corner of the country are with electric distribution system.

As the government is relentless in its expanded rural electrification program thru the rural electric cooperatives, nine Sitio Electrification Program (SEP) recipient for CY 2021 is the franchise area of TIELCO. One isolated Sitio that luckily was considered is Sitio Agcalafe, in Bgy. Tumingad Odiongan. Given the fact that this sitio has challenging terrain, the prospect of development is now inevitable as the EC workforce are now nearing the completion of the project in this unenergized area.