Philreca Awards From the Wires


PHILRECA AWARDS FROM THE WIRES were given to Electric Cooperatives, officers, and employees who exhibited exemplary performance in pursuit of Total Electrificationand Sustainable Rural Development.

MARAMING SALAMAT PHILRECA  Prompt Payor Award – for committing itself to timely and efficient settlement of its annual dues as a member of EC of PHILRECA. Its determination to settle its financial obligations as a member EC has contributed to PHILRECA’s outstanding collection efficiency. 

Bayanihan Award – for rising above in the spirit of Bayanihan through the conduct of Community Pantry by extending help and assistance to the Member-Consumer-Owners during these challenging times. With determination, perseverance and diligence, TIELCO was able to surpass challenges and excellently attained its goals for the Member Consumer Owners 

MCO Champion Award – for having organized its Member Consumer Owners in the barangay level, and for empowering the MCO’s of TIELCO to become advocates of the rural electrification movement.

Extra Mile Award – for implementing the Pantawid Liwanag Program 2, an initiative in partnership with Government frontline agencies aimed to uplift the lives of the MCO’s and mitigate the impact of these challenging times. With determination, perseverance and diligence, TIELCO was able to surpass challenges and excellently attained their goals for the Member Consumer Owners.

Constant Contributor Award – for their continuous support and commitment to the goal of the One EC Network Foundation, Inc. (OECNF) in uplifting the lives of our brothers and sisters in the sector.

EC Multimedia Award – for its continued pursuit to extend its reach to its Member Consumer Owners through the creation of social media page.

Compassion in the Face of Adversity Award – for taking cognizance of the plight of the member-consumer-owners and showing compassion through the implementation of the No Disconnection Policy while in the midst of a pandemic crisis. With determination, perseverance, and diligence, TIELCO was able to surpass challenges and excellently attained its goals for the Member Consumer Owners.

Diamond Service Award – for establishing a Corporate Communication and Social Marketing Office (CCSMO) to ensure good public relations and build a stronger presence in the community while in the midst of a pandemic crisis.

Occupational Safety and Health Excellence Award – for achieving operation and service without incurring occupational casualties and for observing and strictly implementing effective safety measures in its operations for the period January 2020 to May 31, 2021.

Key Contributor Award – for committing itself to timely and efficient submission of reports, responses to surveys, and other compliance to PHILRECA in pursuit of the sector’s goals and advocacies for the Electric Cooperatives and member-consumer-owners. Its contribution and active cooperation have provided PHILRECA with valuable insights and information that are vital in its creation of position papers and comments on issues concerning the welfare of the ECs and MCOs.

One EC Signage Award – for exhibiting and showing its united front and affiliation with the National Electrification Administration (NEA), One EC-MCO Movement, PHILRECA, and One EC Network Foundation while in the midst of a pandemic crisis.  Heart of the Community Award – for implementing the Pantawid Liwanag Program 3, an initiative in partnership with Government frontline agencies aimed to uplift the lives of the MCOs and mitigate the impact of these challenging times. With determination, perseverance, and diligence, TIELCO was able to surpass challenges and excellently attained its goals for the Member Consumer Owners.

Ace of Armor Award – for the embodiment of the advocacies vision and mission of the movement and exemplifying the unity and oneness of all Electric Cooperatives while in the midst of a pandemic and crisis “UNITED WE STAND, WE STAND UNITED”