Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles confirms full support to the rural electrification program | Tielco main office

In a short but meaningful visit, Cabinet Secretary Karlo Alexis B. Nograles, dropped by TIELCO Main office past 1 pm today to provide support and encouragement to the Management and staff of TIELCO and assured his full support and cooperation to the advocacies of the Rural Electrification Program. Secretary Nograles is in Tablas Island together with his cabinet staff to distribute foods and Covid protective kits especially to municipalities that has been affected by the recent flooding in Tablas and areas with high COVID 19 incidence..

It could be recalled that Secretary Nograles is the Chairman of the Inter Agency Task Force on Zero Hunger and Co- Chair of IATF. He was joined in his visit to TIELCO by Romblon Congressman Eleandro Jesus F. Madrona, Gov. Jose Riano, Cabinet Asst. Secretary Sylton Solidum, and other Romblon Officials. 

A short meeting was held between Secretary Nograles, Cong. Madrona and Gov. Riano with the TIELCO Management Staff headed by OIC-GM Dennis L. Alag who gave a briefer on TIELCO operations and special concerns. After the Management meeting, Secretary Nograles meet with TIELCO employees and imparted valuable thoughts and confirmation of his support to the electric cooperative and its advancement. Before leaving the office back to Manila, he distributed PPEs to EC employees and face shields for the BAPA front liners.

He committed to be the Guest Speaker of TIELCOs Annual Meeting on July 31, 2021