Power Bloc Makes Strides in the Energy Sector before Adjournment of Session

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Power Bloc Representatives composed of Presley De Jesus of PHILRECA Party-List, Sergio Dagooc of APEC Party-List, Adriano Ebcas of Ako Padayon Pilipino Party-List, and Godofredo Guya of RECOBODA Party-List remained vigilant to the prevailing issues confronting the energy sector especially to their constituents, the electric cooperatives and 14 million member-consumer-owners, prior to the adjournment of the second regular session last June 5.
Power Bloc Representatives Dagooc and Guya delivered their respective privilege speeches on the pandemic response of our electric cooperatives, effects of the prolonged revenue disruption on the power supply, overreaching of the National Electrification Administration Board of Administrators, and the threat of take-over of a private for-profit company in the franchise area of Northern Davao Electric Cooperative.
On February 9, Rep. Dagooc delivered his speech to reiterate the offer of the electric cooperatives to use their compounds as vaccination sites in the vaccine roll-out plan of the government. Rep. Guya also used the privilege hour last March 1 to discuss the effects of prolonged revenue disruption on the power supply, stressing the need to address this issue with a holistic approach from the stakeholders from the energy sector.

Rep. Guya, in another privilege speech on May 24, centered on condemning the threat of take-over of a private for-profit company in the franchise area of Northern Davao Electric Cooperative. The solon explained that in the event the franchise of electric cooperatives goes to private for-profit companies, the margin for profit will most likely increase the electricity rates to be paid by end-users. He further pointed out that the additional margin will be recovered from the consumers through higher tariffs and electricity prices. On behalf of the Power Bloc, he expressed his unequivocal support to NORDECO as a non-profit distribution utility.
Last May 17, Rep. Dagooc also delivered another privilege speech denouncing the “overreach” of the National Electrification Administration Board of Administrators (NEA BOA) in the affairs of the electric cooperatives as it is “detrimental to the well-being of their constituents”.
The Power Bloc subsequently filed House Resolution 1776 urging the Committee on Energy to call for an investigation on the overreach of the National Electrification Administration on the screening, selection, and appointments of General Managers of Electric Cooperatives.
Energy Committee Vice Chair and PHILRECA Rep. De Jesus led the house panel in the initial deliberation of HR 1776. Delivering his sponsorship speech, Rep. Dagooc asserted that the government agency serves only as the “guardians” of the electric cooperatives to ensure the efficient operations of the latter without compromising their corporate autonomy.
In addition, Rep. Ebcas inquired about the decision of the NEA Board of Administrators to endorse only one candidate for the Benguet Electric Cooperative (BENECO) General Manager when two applicants passed both the in initial screening as well as the final interview. The legislator underscored that endorsing only the candidate with the highest score was a violation of Item No. III, Section 2, par. H provision of NEA Memorandum No. 2017-035 stating that the list of applicants who passed the final interview shall then be transmitted by NEA to the EC Board for perusal and selection of its GM.
With the threat of COVID-19 still prevalent, the Power Bloc religiously attended the virtual committee hearings and plenary sessions. As such, several house measures filed by the Power Bloc have been gaining traction in the House of Representatives. Two House Bills were already approved on Second Reading, namely the substitute House Bill 9524 or An Act Providing for Additional Insurance Coverage and Benefits for All Linemen and Other Power Line Workers and substitute House Bill 9489 or the Linemen Appreciation Day Act. Another pertinent measure approved on Third Reading is the substitute House Bill 8203 or An Act Promoting The Use Of Microgrid Systems to Accelerate the Total Electrification of Unserved and Underserved Areas Nationwide.
As neophyte legislators, the primary highlight of the second regular session transpired on May 27 when the Lifeline Rate Extension Bill principally introduced by the Power Bloc Representatives was enacted into Republic Act 11552 by President Duterte. This law aims to extend the subsidy to the electricity bill of lifeliners for an additional 30 years or until 2051. Lifeliners are defined as beneficiaries living below the poverty line.
The Power Bloc culminated the Second Regular Session with fruitful strides in their legislative agenda and ceaselessly stood up to the plight of the energy sector.