Last night, May 31, 2021 at around 10:43 PM a line fault was detected at the distribution line along Guinhayaan, Looc to Guinbirayan, Sta. Fe endline, that caused the Automatic Circuit Recloser to Trip OFF resulting to temporary power interruption in the said area. During the line patrol, a Broken Pole was found located at Barangay Magsayay near Asis Residence after a support guy was removed by unknown person causing the pole to collapse. Repair was immediately undertaken and power restored at 11:13PM from Guinhayaan Looc to Magsaysay Sta. Fe and 2:26AM from Magsaysay to Guinbirayan early in the morning of June 1, 2021
Meanwhile at around 1:58AM to 2:02AM early in the morning, separate event happened in Feeder 1 due to Bad weather condition with burly lightning that caused ACR and Associated Feeder Controller to Trip Off. Power restored back to normal at 2:00 AM along the system of Feeder 1. After a while Feeder 3 Power plant to Poblacion Sta. Maria, to San Agustin and to Tabok Alcantara experience the same where line fault was detected due to bad weather and was traced in the area of Lusong Area and Doña Juana of San Agustin where Broken Damage Pole Top Pin insulator was located. The event occurred at 2:19 AM and caused total blackout in the coverage area of Tablas At 2:23 AM Power was restored in all feeders except Bachawan to San Agustin and Sta. Maria to Tabok Alcantara where power supply was restored at 4:38 AM – 5:00 AM after repair and power restoration completed.